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Since our humble beginnings of the very first Footgear store, we’ve been on a mission to find shoes that capture and combine the concept of Comfort & Style. We know the importance of feeling great in a comfortable pair of shoes that look great and pair well with any wardrobe. It’s important to us that our customers experience the best of what the comfort shoe world has to offer; with brands and styles at the forefront of innovations in sustainability, quality, technology and design. We love helping people find their new favourite pair of shoes and welcoming them into The Comfy Club.
"When we look great and feel great, we have more confidence. We originally were in the outdoor industry, and those brands had 100% mastered comfort and quality. Seeing there was a greater demand for everyday footwear that was more stylish, we set out to offer customers a range of shoes and sandals that fitted all types of feet and foot problems; but also complimented an individuals style."
- Footgear Founders
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